Monday, March 5, 2012

C4T #2

baseball player battingFor this assignment I was assigned to read the blog Connected Principals. The blog actually consists of blogs being posted by principals from different schools. The first blog post I read is by Jeff Delp. He is the Assistant Principal at Willis Junior High School in Chandler, Arizona. His post was titled “Think you have arrived? Think again.” Delp was pointing out how we must prioritize, time, and lead in a positive manner not only in the classroom, but also in our daily lives. He says that we need to have certain goals in the classroom for our students. Learning how we are going to reach these goals is the factor we must accomplish. He used teaching and educating in comparison to baseball. He stated that no one hits a home run every time at bat. I agreed with this blog in my comment. I realized that some lesson plans and activities will not always work the first time. We will have to change things in the classroom every year to make it more effective.

man leaping in the airThe second blog is by Brian Nichols.  Brian Nichols is the Executive Director of School Leadership for Newport News Public Schools, located in Newport News, Virginia. His blog was titled “Leap before you look”. In this post he was explaining the phrase “look before you leap”, and how he changed this. He was stating that maybe we should leap before we look in the classroom. We should allow changes to be made in the classroom without being afraid to do so. I also agreed with this blog post. I commenting saying that we are often afraid to do things because we are told to watch out before we do them. We must think about the possible positive outcomes, and not always the negative. We have to be willing to make changes for not only ourselves but our students more importantly.

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