Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blog Assignment 13

sign displaying no use of technology
For this assignment Dr. Strange wanted us to participate in an “E-Media fast”. We were not allowed to use in electronic or communications device for 24 hours. In the beginning I figured this would be easy because I rarely use any electronic devices. When I realized that cell phones were cut out I quickly change my thought process about this assignment. The one thing that did not bother me at all was the use of my television. I honestly don’t turn my TV on but maybe once a month, if that at all! The use of my computer was another one that really did not bother me. I only use my computer if I need to type a paper. The way cell phones are made these days the use of an actual computer is becoming very slim. Then the hard part came into play. I use my cell phone for everything. I use my phone for email, facebook, twitter, calling, texting, and web searching. We were told we could not use any of these devices. I felt like I was not in touch with the world for those first couple of hours.  I engaged in simple conversation with my roommates and sleeping to pass the time by. I was actually excited to go to work this day! In the end I realized how much I strongly depended on my cell phone for all my electronic needs. In the future my students will also strongly depend on technology for all of their needs. Teachers must keep up with this use of technology to keep their students attention. Students will enter the classroom expecting to use technology because this is what they are becoming accustomed to. 

1 comment:

  1. "...I quickly change my thought process ..." changed not change
    "...the use of an actual computer is becoming very slim." limited would be much better than slim

    What happened? Did you make it without using technologies for 24 hours? I will put you in the Unknown category since you did not say. You should have made it clear, however, since that is the most important thing for you to have revealed!
